The power of finova

finova provides the most comprehensive suite of modular, SaaS based open-architecture software
to help lenders and brokers in the Mortgage, Lending and Savings sectors.

Find out how finova could help power your business.

Visit the finova website
Our vision

We aspire to be the most recommended technology partner in the lending and savings market

The mortgage and savings market in the UK is complex. Our vision is to be the most recommended technology partner, and we do this by providing services and solutions that simplify, streamline and enable lenders and brokers to meet the needs of their customers and partners.

Woman looking at a laptop working
Trusted Partner

#1 Mortgage and Savings technology provider in the UK

lenders powered by finova
brokers using broker platform
financial institutions using finova Connect solutions
originated through our platform
of loans and savings under management
Powered by finova

Your trusted technology partner

We have partnered with over 60 lenders from across the financial services sector
- have a look at some of the clients we work with.

Our solutions

Open to opportunity

finova provides the most comprehensive suite of modular, open-architecture solutions to help lenders and brokers enhance operations, support products, and improve the customer experience.

Core Banking Platform
One platform to run your business

The most modern cloud-based originations software in the market covering mortgages, equity release, specialist lending and savings with integrated back-office servicing to provide all your software needs under one roof.  

Broker Platform
One platform to run your business

All you need for a better broking business. Attract and convert customers with our digital front-end; process applications efficiently with the industry’s broadest range of case management, CRM and integration capabilities.

finova Connect
Connecting the industry

We bring the industry together with an increasing range of solutions connecting mortgage intermediaries with lenders including: payments of intermediary procurement fees and broker verification services to ensure lenders are FCA compliant.

What our clients say

"We were very impressed with the powerful and customisable Apprivo platform. The new system will help us further improve our service experience for demanding customers and brokers with complex needs. It represents a step change into the future and keeps us at the forefront of our market place."

"It was important that we used a software house that not only understood the market in which we operate, but had an excellent grasp of the complex processes involved to underwrite cases and to interface with multiple third-party systems."

Find out how finova could help power your business